Thank you for Donating.

We appreciate your generosity so we can keep on Advancing Communities in Australia.

All donations are tax deductible.

Advancing Communities Australia

A general donation to Advancing Communities Australia provides support for several projects including Developing Community Energy Zones in Ipswich and Tamborine Mountain, Climate Action Nurses, West Moreton Obesity Advisory Group.

Ipswich youth housing and homelessness in our community

This program is supporting the wellbeing of

ICYS - Ipswich Community Youth Service

Hanna's House

front line staff who are making a real difference to youth housing and homelessness in our community.

Climate Action Nurses

Donate to empower Australian and the Pacific nurses to drive climate action through education, advocacy, research and policy

Youth Advancing Communities Australia

Donate to empower our youth to have engage and advance our community

CTE - Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Your donation will assist in conducting a comprehensive review and analysis of the current evidence base in relation to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) among jockeys