You can use this Form to easily add Contacts to our CRM Database as instructed by a Member of the Community Energy Zone (CEZ) Team. Please follow all instructions to ensure that data is inputted correctly without complications.
It is very important that an Email Address is entered for the Contact, as this is our primary means of communication.
If you don't have an Email Address, do not proceed with the Contact and inform a Member of the CEZ Team for further iinstructions.
Enter the First Name and Last Name of the Contact.
Enter the name of the position of the Contact within his/her Company.
Enter the name of the position of the Company / Organisation
Enter the Phone Number for the Contact.
The phone number entered should be International format, e.g. +61 9 8765 4321
Please enter your name or Initials into the field to indicate to use that you are the manager of this Contact into the CRM Database.